I am grateful that you allowed me to work with you
All the best, Rong
Rong Rong, Woodland Hills, US, September 2020
Dear Mirjam,
Thank you very much for the wonderful time spent on this post-mortem review. The workshop was perfectly organised, the best virtual workshop I have attended so far.
Your passion and commitment definitely stood out. I appreciated your calmness and understanding through the sessions, challenging our thought process and steering us towards concrete outcomes.
Just as we mentioned several times, there were many insights and takeaways for each one of us. I am sure we will make a strong step forward for the future!
Looking forward to working with you sometime again, best regards,
Rajeev Prakash, Vice President at Swiss Re, Bangalore, August 2019
On 20th of May 2019, the Swiss Re Mental Health Network hosted a Lunch & Learn – Let’s Talk Mindfulness. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to lead and design this event. This video is an excerpt of my presentation.
I received a Personal Coaching from Mirjam because I wasn’t sure what my professional career should look like. She helped me to set my long-term goals and figure out what I need to do to reach them. This gave me to confidence that I wasn’t aimlessly working but to keep my focus on my goals. This helped me not only in my professional but also personal life a great deal. I’m confident and happy to move closer to my goals every day. She’s doing a wonderful job, and I can only recommend her!!!
Manuel F, Februar 2019

November 2018
I am […] sending a note on Mirjam’s facilitation of the GIA/Governance workshop she facilitated on 9th of April 2019.
I have always known Mirjam to be a strong talent, highly practical and competent. Initially, I selected her because I knew she was expanding her skills in the coaching space and had context for my topic. Her performance this week exceeded my expectation. I knew it would be a good session, but I had no idea how good.
A few strengths I saw in her as a facilitator:
- Staying neutral. She never displayed a bias. Even though at times she could have.
- Strong conflict management skills. There was the potential for there to be conflict. Not at one moment did I feel conflict, yet we were able to navigate some tricky topics.
- Active facilitation. Mirjam offered assistance at the right time. She managed conversations well and drove for clarity.
- Engaging. Her style was very engaging, fun and results oriented. The session has the right mix of activities. The time moved along quickly.
- Strong preparation. She did enough research to understand the perspectives going into the session.
- Outcome focused. She made sure we had SMART actionable goals.
- She came across as natural.
- As I spoke to other participants, the outcome was more positive than anticipated.
In summary, I have been in sessions lead by external facilitators that were not nearly as successful. Many thanks.
Ron Hamilton, Director at Swiss Re, US, April 2019

I got to know you as a very appreciative and reflective person. In that, I very much enjoyed your direct, honest and always likeable manner. As a client, I experienced you as competent, factual coach who approaches topics with a sense of humor in a focused way with lots of motivating energy. I perceived you as a strong personality who expresses a high degree of joy and lots of empathy. I can learn from you as a coach how professionally to tackle challenges. I have got to know you as a very open person, you always maintain a positive attitude and remain true to yourself.
November 2018
On 13th of November 2018, the Swiss Re Mental Health Network hosted a Lunch & Learn – To take charge of your Mental Wellbeing. I am grateful that I had the chance to introduce mindfulness and to share some micro practices.
I got to know you as a tough woman, working at quite a pace with a clear goal in mind. I see this strong sense of justice in you, and the desire to push top-heavy people out of their top-heaviness. You care deeply for the development of other people, and you create the possibility for your counterpart to live up to their potential. At all times you’re willing to share your knowledge with us. It seems that you soak up all the information you can collect, and then extract the key aspects. In my view, you have this great mix of mind and heart. It is really great that you’ve surprised me and let me encounter such an affectionate Mirjam. Keep your energy and sense of justice!
November 2018